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“Mainly what we want to be fit and mobile into our old age.
We're working on mobility and strength, particularly for bone density as that's a massive thing with us - and it should be for everybody going forward.
We say if we're carrying suitcases, or if we have to go up and downstairs with suitcases when on holiday or something, or we're in the garden doing gardening, lifting things or moving up and down or, furniture at home, we often say you know we're glad we train because it's helping with this!
I’ve also found walking uphill is much easier than that
than it used to be.
Unit One is definitely more than just a gym, there are plenty of great social activities. Some of them are fitness-based, and some of them are food-based or just generally going and doing different
It is a community, people encourage each other in their goals and their exercise.
The exercises we do are specific for us and are tailored and appropriate for what we want and for our goals.
We're not just sort of doing any old exercises that we can think of
that they're structured and that's quite important.
We're not left on our own at all, we've always got a personal trainer to create a program and that's great for me because I wouldn't know where to start
You're very good at making it so that it's appropriate for me and
my partner Andy. Sometimes we have different weights, or maybe we've got different niggles with our bodies and we need to do slightly different exercises so yeah, that works perfectly.
Accountability is a big thing, and we always say it’s staying with the same gym and with the same ethos which is really important for us
as we go forward.”
“The trigger for joining was a decline in health. The doctor said I was pre-diabetic, I had liver function issues, the test wasn't particularly good, the outlook wasn't particularly bright, and so the analysis started…”
The change: “For starters, you've got to add three
three and a half stone onto me, and then all the results have come back to normal. So the pre-diabetes is no longer because I've managed to get my fitness back, go back onto a healthy diet, and get all the nutrition advice. Liver function tests are back within normal, so everything's back to normal in the health, sense from a fitness sense. well, it's it's massive change previously.”
“One thing this place really does give you is the ability to do consistently well.
I like the fact that you don't have to think about it
The fact that it removes so many of the normal barriers of like ‘oh
what am I gonna do? What's my plan? What machines are gonna be available
Just being able to basically turn up and turn your brain off for an hour to the extent of not having to think beyond doing what you're told
is quite relaxing at times”.
“Joining Unit One was the last in a long line of quick fixes.
I was always a massive sucker for one of those quick-fix influencers.
I'd hit menopause, I’d gained a lot of weight seemingly overnight, none of the other fixes that I'd ever tried before.
I just literally stumbled across Unit One, came in for a chat
and the rest is history… life-changing.
I’d never thought about really getting fit, being toned, being a fit and healthy person. All I cared about at that time was getting that weight off.
I'd never been overweight and then all of a sudden I just was uncomfortable in my own body which in turn was affecting my mental health.
I was on antidepressants, I was overweight, I was just a sad sad person.
The smile on my face when I walk out of the door now, doesn't matter what I feel like when I walk in, it's the maintenance of my mental health
that keeps me coming through the door, and that sense of community
you know you always belong here.”
"I like the fact that it's just so private. Other gyms you go to you can be exercise and you'll be concious of people watching you, or you'll look round and someone will be waiting to go on the equipment, or you'll have to speed up."
"I just like the fact it's just so easy here. You come for the hour, switch off, do what you're told and you just feel revitalised, I love it."
"I like that it's 1-1 or a small group and you're comfortable, it doesn't matter if we don't do it right, you come and correct us, I just like that it's quite a private place do your exercising."
"I'm surprised at what I can do, I didn't have much faith in myself but I'm really enjoying it."
"I had a shoulder injury a year last May, and my physio said to strengthen my shoulder. I was scared of using my arm and my shoulder incase I did any damage to it again, but you've given me so much confidence and I feel so much better."
"I became very aware it was time I needed to make concerted efforts into taking care of myself if I wanted to be in good shape going forwards."
"I really enjoy the groups, the groups really work for me. I've tried gyms before over my years, and I've got so far with them but then I've lost interest or the timings been wrong for me. But this one keeps me motivated and I keep going."
"There's someone else there pushing you...and because you've got a trainer it keeps the constant going and keeps you on schedule".
"I've reached my first goal of reaching a certain level of fitness, so now I can actually progress from that.'
"For me it works on every level. I've learnt about nutrition, I eat better at home and at work. The timing of the gym works perfectly, it doesn't impact my family life."
"There's a really good community and everyone pushes one another."
"In Feb 2022 I joined Unit One and I've never looked back since. I love it"
"I never used to do any exercise before this. I used to to do walks, and tried couch to 5k and tried other gyms but felt like everytime I went I'd go on the treadmill but I wanted to do weights".
"Jess gave me a program to follow before but I wouldn't follow it, whereas when I come here you just get on with it and I push myself more."
"The more you come and the more you get used to it, the easier it gets. But then it gets harder because you know when to make it harder, but I like that because I don't have to think about that. I just come in and go, and don't have to think about anything."
"My motivation to go to a normal gym was so low, I would do 1-2 x per week and think that's enough. Whereas here I come 3 x per week minimum and it's just so much easier".
"I know that if I do something wrong someones there to help me".
"When I joined Unit One I had a bad back, and was recommended Unit One from a physio".
"I don't know why I was nervous, because when I joined the groups I thought it was great."
"I just wanted to get stronger, I didn't want to have a back ache, or any kind of ache, and it's worked! I feel so much stronger."
"I had never been to gyms, but had been to classes but had struggled with commitment...but this is good because there's different sessions at different times of the day so if can't make it I can just book onto another one."
"I can't see myself not being a member of Unit One now, ever."
"It's so easy, everyone's so friendly and you're all so professional."
"I have 3 daughters that I want to be able to run around after and visit for the rest of my days, and I feel stronger, fitter, healthier and less tired so it's worked, it's brilliant."
"Turning up for a session and it's all laid out for you, all the kit, all the trainers know exactly what your progress levels are, what weights you're working to and they give you the platform to progress."
"I've stayed on because I see physical changes within myself."
"The consistency of coming to the gym, and seeing friendly faces encourages you to come back."
Previously "I've never really pushed myself to to the levels that I needed to get the results I want."
"I'm a shift worker, and it makes it do much easier to just show up and do the 50mins of what I need to do and it be done for the day."
"I've noticed a difference...physically in my appearance and the strength I can lift now."
"I'd encourage anyone to come down, because it's changed my way I look at fitness. You don't have to slog it at the gym, or run a mile on the treadmill, or mix in with the weightlifters at the gym. You can just turn up, do you bit and three times a week is enough."